Category Archive: Cooking

Because we like burning stuff.

We bought ourselves an Ezystove because, well, we like to burn stuff.  We trialled it for the first time today, just in the garden, along with the new kettle.  We set up a… Continue reading

World Penguin Day

We were going to go out to the woods today, but then we saw cute pictures of penguins and found out it was World Penguin Day. So we decided to watch some short… Continue reading

Orange Blossom Panna Cotta

I love cream desserts, but I know I need to go easy on the cream. I could quite easily eat just a bowl of whipped cream some days. Rhubarb fools, cream cakes, ice… Continue reading

Half Term Diary (and a bonus dairy free cake recipe)

It has been a busy, busy week. Today has been the toughest, we’ve not been able to get out much as I’ve had an emergency dentist appointment right in the middle of the… Continue reading

Slow Cooker Raspberry Cheesecakes

Sometimes I’m just not satisfied by sticking to one recipe, even if I know it works, I’m just too curious for my own good.  Fortunately this little experiment was a success.  Raspberry cheesecakes… Continue reading

Eating Around the World – Bangladesh

This was a bit of a hurried meal due to engineer five arriving to fix the dishwasher.  But hey, it’s finally fixed and the meal was very tasty.  For main course we had… Continue reading