Eating Around the World Project


Six months into this project, and I hadn’t realised how much this has had an effect on the boys, particularly The Fireman who is now almost 5.  His teacher told us at parents evening that he mentions the different countries and the meals he eats.  So for me this is definitely a project that’s staying and a project that may be developed a little more. I’ve had some really lovely, positive feedback on this project too.

Those who have been reading these Eating Around the World posts from the beginning will remember we started this idea as a way of discovering new foods and tastes together as a family.  We are lucky in that our boys are not particularly fussy eaters, although at times they can be difficult. For the boys there are so many flavours and ingredients they haven’t yet tasted as they are still quite young and there’s a lot out there in the world!  I thought maybe if we all tried new things together, they might accept trying new things a little better, as none of us really know what to expect.  It might also give us grown-ups an idea of what a child is going through each time they try something new and allow us to have a little more understanding. Of course there is no rush to get them eating every ingredient under the sun, I personally could not stand the thought of olives until I was 18 and still at the age of 31 struggle eating tinned baked beans, however we are merely providing them with an opportunity.

To engage the boys a little more and not to focus TOO strongly on food I try to incorporate a little bit of info about the country and also a craft.  It has to be simple as they are only aged 3 and 4 and also we do this project on a school night when potentially they are quite tired.

I really believe that this approach to food is a positive one.  As such I’ve decided to develop it further with a mind to setting up it’s own blog, no doubt it’ll be titled something highly original like, ‘Eating Around the World’.  Each week I will post recipes, background info and simple crafts, along with tips that work for us as a family, which may be useful to you too. Please check back soon to find out more.